Faith…But Faith in What?

by Harold W. Anderson, Ph.D., LMFT, M.Div. It is difficult to know what the word for faith in the New Testament means because all too often, the term is used without definition.  One of the few biblical definitions is given in Hebrew 11:1, which states “Now faith is being sure of what we hope forContinue reading “Faith…But Faith in What?”

Facing the End of Life

By Rev. Harold W. Anderson, Ph.D., LMFT Last March we were bringing our vacation in Maui to a close.  While packing our bags, Becky received a call from Becky’s youngest sister.  Since we were busy packing, Becky let the call go to voicemail and thought she would call her sister back on the way toContinue reading “Facing the End of Life”

I Don’t Get It…. Is Heaven Really that Important?

The Church is the Church only when it exists for others . . . not dominating but helping and serving. It must tell people of every calling what it means to live for Christ, to exist for others. In short, it is much easier to see a thing through from the point of view ofContinue reading “I Don’t Get It…. Is Heaven Really that Important?”